I am so EXCITED to inform you guys that I collaborated with some of my favorite products and brands, which I have been using for a while and I can't live without them ! I already feel and see a difference and many of my clients and friends tried them and gave me very positive feedback. I am passionate on health and making us live our best life full of vibrant energy and so happy to share all my tips !
The goods news is that I asked for DISCOUNT codes for you so you can enjoy them too and feel your very best!
For those living in Switzerland, please DM me as I can order for you directly to avoid extra fees and shipping.
See below the shopping list, which helps me to take care of my body and maintain my good health in my busy day to day schedule running from class to class whilst planning workshops and retreats all over Switzerland and traveling for meetings!
Shop below MY ESSENTIALS :
Follow me on instagram or Facebook, where I will share posts and stories about these products